- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
डॉ. विनोद गौतम
- Project Assistant in Indira Gandhi National University (21st August 2000 to 19th September 2000)
- Assistant librarian in JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida (20th September 2000 to 20th March 2002)
- Junior Librarian in Nataji Subhas Institute of Technical Education, New Delhi (21st March 2002 to 26th June 2008)
- Research & Development done
Details of No. of quality publications in refereed/SCI Journals, citations, Books/Book Chapters etc.: |
Papers in journals Gautam, J N, and Vinod Gautam. "New Dimension and Initiative in the Field of Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination and Acquisition: UGC Infonet and Consortia for Electronic Subscription." Library Herald (Delhi Library Association) 42, no. 02 (June 2004): 129-133. Gautam, Vinod. "Multimedia and its elements for modern library system." Library Herald (Delhi Library Association) 45, no. 02 (June 2007): 121-129. Gautam, Vinod, and A S Gawadekar. "User Perception for Harnessing of Library resources and services: A case study." International Journal of Library Science (CESER Publications) 14, no. 03 (2016): 48-58. Papers in conferences/Books
Gautam, Vinod, and Sanjay Sethi. "Libraries and Copyright." Information Commons: Impact on and Implications for libraries and information centres. New Delhi: Indian Library Association, 2006. 445-447. Gautam, Vinod, and Sanjay Sethi. "E-Resources: Uses and Awareness." Roadmap for Modernization of libraries and information centre in the emerging knowledge era. City name should mention: EMPI Business School, 2007. 43-47. Jain, Vinod Kumar, Sarita Verma, and Vinod Gautam. "Library Open Source Software." Edited by Narayan Chandra Ghosh. Open Access: Gateway to Open Innovation. Kolkata: Society for Information Science, 2011. 371-378. Sethi, Sanjay, and Vinod Gautam. "Digital Repository: An Initiative of Departmental Library of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances." Edited by Antony Jose. In Advances in Digital Library Development. New Delhi: Macmillan, 2012. 93-103. Verma, Sarita, Vinod Kumar Jain, and Vinod Gautam. "Need and Challenges in Security Systems Technology Implementation in Indian Libraries." In Libraries in Digital Era, edited by Vinod Kumar, Abha Sharma and S S Joshi, 146-163. New Delhi: Arihant Prakashan, 2012. Sethi, Sanjay, and Vinod Gautam. "Information seeking Pattern in Digital Enviroment: A Case Study of Dept. of Administrative Reforms and Public Grivevances." Edited by H K Kaul, Deep Singh and Sangeeta Kaul. Knowledge Library and Information Networking. New Delhi: DELNET, 2013. 149-163. Gautam, Vinod, Anand Gawadekar, and Nand Kishore Tailor. "Library and Information Servies in Google Era." International Conference on Sustaining the Excellence: Transforming Libraries through Technology, Innovation and Value added Services in Google Era. New Delhi: Indian Library Association, 2016. 60-63. Jain, Vinod Kumar, Nand Kishore Tailor, and Vinod Gautam. "Discovery Searach Service using Google: Step by Step." National Conference of Agricultural Librarians and User Community on Libraries Beyond Borders: Navigating Towards Global Dissemination. Hisar: HAU, 2017. 38-47.
Professional membership:
Life time Membership of Indian Library Associations
Membership of UPLA (Uttar Pradesh Library Associations)