- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
डॉ. आशिमा अरोड़ा
नाम: डॉ. आशिमा अरोड़ा
पद: Asstt. Professor
Email id:
Ph.D. Finance (FMS, University of Delhi), MBA (Finance)
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सीवी सूचना:
Research & Publications:
- “Structural Break, US Financial Crisis and Macroeconomic Time Series: evidence from BRICS Economies” (2019). Transnational Corporations Review, Vol. 11(3), pp 250-264. A Taylor & Francis Journal
- “US–China Trade War: The Tale of Clash Between Biggest Developed and Developing Economies of the World” (2019). Management and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 5(S4), pp 1-11. HATASO, USA Journal.
- “Analysis of Euro Zone Crisis on BRIC Nations through Index Approach” (2019). FOCUS: Journal of International Business, Vol. 6(2), pp 43-67.
- “Impact of US Financial Crisis on GDP of BRICS Economies: An Analysis Using Panel Data Approach” (2018). Global Business Review, Vol. 19(2), pp 439-454. A Sage Journal
- “Do firm level variables affect corporate governance quality and performance? Evidence from India” (2017). International Journal of Corporate Governance, 8(1), pp 1-24. An Inderscience Journal.
- “Influence of Shareholders’ Activism and Firm Level Variables on Corporate Governance Quality in India” (2016). Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 9(2), pp 122- 147. A Sage Journal.
- “When Economies Jitter, Bitcoin Flutters: Evidence from the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Bitcoin Returns” (2018). Business Analyst, 39(1), pp 3-25.
- “Analysis of the Impact of US Financial Crisis on BRICS Economies using ANOVA” (2015). FOCUS: Journal of International Business, Vol. 2(2), pp 34-52.
Conference Presentations:
- “An Analyses of Complex Web of US Financial Crisis Through Composite Indices: An Inter-Temporal and Inter-Country Impact Analysis of BRICS”, Paper presented at: 16th Annual World Congress, Academy for Global Business Advancement, hosted by IIT Delhi (India) in association with Milkin University, Illinois (USA), IIM Rohtak and GIFT society (2019)
- “Impact of Corporate Governance on Financing Pattern of Outward Foreign Direct Investment by Indian Family Firms”, Paper presented at: 3rd Annual Conference of International Corporate Governance Society titled “Balancing Value Creation with Stakeholder Accountability” organized by LUISS Business School, Rome, Italy (2017)
- “When the Economies Jitters, Bitcoin Flutters: Evidence from the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Bitcoin Returns”, Paper presented at: International Conference on Strategies in Volatile and Uncertain Environment for Emerging Markets, IIT Delhi, India (2017)
- “Are Shareholders' Activism and Firm Level Variables Determinants of Corporate Governance Quality in India: An Analysis During and Post Crisis”, Paper presented at: International Conference “Corporate Governance, Shareholder Types and Ownership Forms”, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom (2014)
- “Bearing of US Financial Crisis on Indian Economy: A Descriptive Overview”, Paper presented at: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi, India (2014)
- “Impact of Great Recession on Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Issues”, Paper presented at: 6th International Conference on Contemporary Business 2012, Curtin University, Australia & IIT Delhi, India (2012)

Area of Expertise:
Financial Econometrics, Financial Modelling and Derivatives, Financial Crisis, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management