Main Objectives
The main aims and objectives for which the Society is constituted are:
- To establish and administer the management of the Institute;
- To organize and provide training and continuing professional education to Group A' officers of the Participating Services including organization of Refresher Courses at senior and middle levels;
- To establish the Institute as a centre of excellence in financial management for promoting the highest standards of professional competence and practice;
- To undertake and promote research studies in the fields of accounting, audit, financial and fiscal management and related subjects;
- To promote education in financial and fiscal management for officers of the “Associate Services”/Centre/State Governments and officers of public sector enterprises/institutions; and
- To organize International Training Programmes and to keep abreast with the progress made in the rest of the world in the area of finance and accounts, particularly in the Government and public sector institutions.
Other Objectives
In furtherance of the main objectives set out above, the Institute shall have the following related objectives:
- Promote learning, so that the officers of the Participating Services acquire skills and knowledge for effective discharge of their functions with special emphasis on Financial Management, Public Finance, Government Accounting and Parliamentary Financial Control;
- Enhance the capabilities of existing training institutions of the Participating Services, to improve their quality of training;
- Provide a common platform for interaction and facilitate exchange of ideas and experiences amongst officers of Participating Services;
- Expose officers to all aspects of the state-of-the-art techniques of financial management including the use of computers;
- Assist, interact and collaborate in promoting study of financial management, with other institutions and bodies, both within the country and abroad;
- Undertake publication of papers, books, monographs, journals etc. in financial management;
- Establish and maintain library and information services/network.
- Publish and disseminate information relating to results of research and. other training courses/programmes;
- Provide consultancy sendees to government departments, public enterprises and institutions for review, improvement of their existing organizations, systems, procedures, training activities and other related subjects;
- Award diplomas, certificates and other distinctions to persons trained and to prescribe standards of proficiency before the award of such diplomas, certificates and other distinctions;
- Institute and award fellowships, prizes and medals in accordance with the rules and bye-laws;
- Confer honorary awards and other distinctions;
- Promote, organize, convene, conduct and participate in national and international seminars, conferences, workshops, training programmes and study tours;
- Develop, establish, affiliate regional centres as considered necessary by the society;
- Establish procedures for smooth functioning of the Institute and carry out activities in matters relating to personnel, finance, administration, purchases, management of hostels and other matters;
- Construct, maintain, alter, improve or develop any building or works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the society; and
- Do all such other acts and things either alone or in conjunction with the other organization or persons as the society may consider necessary incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the society.